#34~morning mist as dew from heaven kissing my face and hands as I dance alone in my yard...
#35~glory from the heavens...
#36~their routine mornings...
#37~baby tomatoes and 'Jack and the Beanstalk' beans...
#38~new Shasta Daisy plant, pushing its way through dirt...
#39~peas stretching to heaven
So many more that have no snapshot to show:
#41~waking with a happy heart
#42~sunlight through trees
#43~my neighbor sharing lavender plants with me
#44~'Whatever it takes' kind of love
#45~glasses that magnify words
#46~hearing, 'I love you' as he kisses me goodbye each morning
#47~clucking hens hungry for breakfast
#48~peeper tree frogs creating music each night as the sun sets
#49~the new van my son-in-law got a fantastic deal on...after the accident with their other new car and the lower interest rate on this new one!
#50~chatting with my granddaughter, Hailey Daune, on the phone, when all of a sudden she says, 'Gramma, my mom says I should tell you the speech I learned.' It was the most fabulous speech about Harriet Tubman I have ever heard.
#51~Hailey asking me if I know what 'exaggerate' means...then telling me, 'I caught a million fish. That is what exaggerate means.'
#52~my daddy bringing me a 'welcome' sign for the Garden of Eden
#41~waking with a happy heart
#42~sunlight through trees
#43~my neighbor sharing lavender plants with me
#44~'Whatever it takes' kind of love
#45~glasses that magnify words
#46~hearing, 'I love you' as he kisses me goodbye each morning
#47~clucking hens hungry for breakfast
#48~peeper tree frogs creating music each night as the sun sets
#49~the new van my son-in-law got a fantastic deal on...after the accident with their other new car and the lower interest rate on this new one!
#50~chatting with my granddaughter, Hailey Daune, on the phone, when all of a sudden she says, 'Gramma, my mom says I should tell you the speech I learned.' It was the most fabulous speech about Harriet Tubman I have ever heard.
#51~Hailey asking me if I know what 'exaggerate' means...then telling me, 'I caught a million fish. That is what exaggerate means.'
#52~my daddy bringing me a 'welcome' sign for the Garden of Eden
Just a small portion of the one hundred twenty plus gifts I have so far in my notebook...I must not stop writing, naming, steadily nailing down the moment by moment gifts my Heavenly Daddy gives me.
What are your gifts today? Name them. Give thanks for them. You will never be the same.
Jump on board with others in community of gratitude.
I love it that you call Him your Heavenly Daddy. - me too!
It's only been in the last few years that I've seen God as my Daddy. Having my own daddy around has been an eye opener for me to see the difference and revel in unconditional love...
It's only been in the last few years that I've seen God as my Daddy. Having my own daddy around has been an eye opener for me to see the difference and revel in unconditional love...
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