April 10, 2012

Counting my gifts

Gifts given can bring delight, and sometimes they can undo the emotions...in a good way.

Like yesterday morning before church, sitting in my garden, talking to Daddy and listening and then, there it was, suspended right in front of me--
#53~ a hummingbird.  Made me cry.  There was no time to grab the camera.  He flew away too quickly.  A gift that felt like a kiss on my cheek, unexpected.

#54~And then the night before that:  walking around the amphitheater at Sea World, snapping pictures of Jeremy Camp and shuffling to the music (even though I'm not a Jeremy Camp fan--I went for Shane and Shane!) when my heart, for the first time in my life, truly ached to be in heaven.  That, too, made me cry.  I longed for home.  REALLY longed. 

#55~answered prayers almost forgotten about


#57~climbing back into bed and warm sheets still!

#58~the sound of ticking clocks

#59~laughter when my son decides to work at my desk and I look up to see this:

I named him Edward for the day!


#61~ blueberry muffins on steroids

 #62~good graffiti-is there such a thing?  The gift was that I was just snapping things on our way down the road and didn't see what I got until I uploaded it.
#63~spotting this small, yet huge gift tucked behind the petunias.  The new seeds are a bonus.

#64~pretzels and Bananagrams with Caleb

#65~ science experiments from treetops

#66~my best friend and his love for me.
In community with Ann over here:

1 comment:

travelingthenarrowroad said...

Are we kindred spirits? *smile* Amazing the beauty that surrounds us, if only we look around.
btw~ i so thought i was the only one who enjoyed the ticking of clocks. I have collected clocks in the past, so my family is never impressed, lol.
Keep on sharing, much beauty comes from your perspective eye.


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