March 28, 2011

Marvelous Multitude Monday

So many gifts, so little time to explain them all...
On this gloriously cool morning, I pen the gratitude in my heart to the God who reminded me this morning what He requires:  Micah 6: 6-8:

What can we bring to the Lord?  What kind of offerings should we give him?  Should we bow be-fore God with offerings of yearling calves?   Should we offer him thousands of rams and ten thou-sand rivers of olive oil?  Should we sacrifice our firstborn children to pay for our sins?  No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you:  to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

Just a few of my gifts this past week:

~the annual kite day

  ~happy man twirling little girl


~watching and waiting for the Purple Martins with my parents...they flew overhead, circled the house and then flew away.  The trick is keeping Sparrows and wasps out of their nest.  Twice now I've cleaned it out-just since Saturday and today found two wasp nests...ugh...this is much more work than I imagined...but it's worth it! 

My little men wading in the creek on a beautiful day last week.
Finding two baby oppossums waddling through our yard and my sons having compassion towards them.  One we relocated; the other one didn't make it. 

~bloomin' roses
~an hour, at least, on the phone with a photographer friend of my sister's...learning, listening and being encouraged
~helping make lunches with my Love and boys after service yesterday when the amount of meal tickets sold went from 150 to close to 500 for kite day.  We had a blast and still were able to eat, even though they ran out of food...that was a gift!
~going to a birthday party for a dear friend's little boy.  It was a gift to me to photograph their family in action!

~our yard being ready to have my grandchildren come and play in...over twenty bags of leaves!  Whew.  It was cute to watch the boy's take turns wheeling each other back and forth delivering leaf bags to their new location.
~chocolate, peanut butter brownies at a friend's home

~a fantastic message on 'God writing your story'...
~the power of a timely message


~being awakened by the Spirit, praying and hearing the words, 'it is finished' and 'His banner of me is love' spoken softly to my heart.

~finding a nest in the small part of our grill (you have to look closely to see the teeny tiny eggs...there are five of them!)

Great week comin' up, I just know it.

Little boy is from church.  Older gentleman is my friend, Lynette's, dad.  Oppossum is named Tim.


Hollinger Family said...

love this Daune, simply beautiful always...

mom2six said...

Your list is great! I always enjoy your pictures - the bubble one is really cool.

Thanks for stopping by and your sweet comments.



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