October 28, 2010

My etching in the night...

As I etch this post, the eyelet Victorian curtains sway to the soft breeze and the tall oak tree leaves rustle outside my window.  Night has come, the house is quiet as I reflect on my gifts...

It's already Thursday, not Monday anymore, but time has stood still as I listened:
Psalms 17:15:  "Because I am righteous, I will see your face.  When I awake, I will see You face to face and be satisfied."
The list is endless, but just for now:

Son coming to me tonite after his Life group and telling me he 'understood'; and surrendered his whole heart to Jesus-all his life!

Another son, Daniel, coming home from NY for a last visit before moving to Hawaii!

One week before I fly to NY by myself to see my newest granddaughter, 'Pay Pay' for three 'too short' days.

Fasting for seven days so far (The Daniel Fast) and losing eleven lbs!  Not sure I see any difference (what does that say?), but scales don't lie.

Holy Yoga and the strength I feel from becoming a living sacrifice-at least that's how I feel when it's over...sacrificed!

Submitting some of my photos for a show at a downtown San Antonio hotel to show for three months or sooner, if they sell!

A new friend, Christine, fellow Holy Yogurt girl...that's what Dad calls my yoga class!

The opportunity to take pictures of the children/babies at church and see their photos displayed in very large murals on the hallway walls!  (You can view them on my facebook page!  Check 'em out!)

Another opportunity this Sunday with kids in the 'No boundaries' classroom and having those photos put in a brochure!

Another zoo trip with Love, the boys and my sister and two of her children.

Caleb asking to read outside and when a hawk flew down to snatch one of his 'girls', Snowflake, he tells me he must have heard the voice of God telling him to go outside just before it happened!  (Hen is fine!)

These moments of seeing God work in their lives...

the Truth Project and it's impact on my heart, mind and life!

sweet silent peacefulness

anticipation of a night out on Friday with Love to church for an honoring of volunteers with chocolate covered strawberries and different coffees...a sweet nite.

What are your gifts? Celebrate them.  Life is too short.

1 comment:

mom2six said...

Daune - Such a beautiful list. Congratulations on your photos - I hope they sell quickly. Enjoy your time with your newest grandbaby.


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