September 6, 2011

Not all fires are bad...

Only ninety-four miles northeast, fires rage in Bastrop.  The flames are licking up the dry, parched land, leaving behind destruction and death.

I really cannot comprehend that kind of devastation.  But I am asking God for comfort, protection for the firemen, and a quick end to it all.
But not all fires are bad...

With the first day of our 'Out of the Box Academy' over, Love and I sat in our yard, listening to the sound of quiet, rocking back and forth in our 'Freecycle' swing from Germany, speaking of the day's events and unwinding-- just the two of us. 
Soft breezes and mild temps give the hint that maybe the blistering summer is winding down.  For that we are also praying.

As we rocked, our words turned to confessions, then declarations and finally to praying the will of God for our home.  We both recognize that we're in a war, but sometimes the dry, busyness of each day pulls at the threads of this three-fold cord, threatening to unravel us. Yet, in moments like this, I remember He designed this cord and He holds all things together.

Do you have a place to unwind, breathe deep and renew the spiritual fire in your marriage?  Physical passion is fabulous, but the intimacy shared at the feet of Jesus is unparalleled.  Just listening to your lover's heart poured out before a Holy God is not only attractive; it's a gift that only you share.  Do you treasure that gift?  Does your mate feel safe to share their weaknesses in front of you?  If not, why? 

Start a fire in your life by honestly asking the hard questions about what really matters...

What really matters?  One's own relationship with the God of the universe, expressed to us by the coming of His only Son, Jesus Christ.  Read about it and then ask Him to reveal to you your need for His love, so you can love your mate. 

Make this your prayer:  Start a fire in me God!

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