October 25, 2014

Beauty In Detail

Saturday mornings are one of my favorite times of the week.  With camera bag in tow, coffee in one hand and all my 'Books' in the other, I head out to the door and drop my books on the swing.  Then, sitting still, I listen and sip.  The birds are singing, water is trickling and the fountain is bubbling.

As the sun warmed my hand, casting long shadows on the page of my notes, I was drawn to the light all around me, particularly the way the sun beam danced through the trees next to me.

Glancing over my shoulder because I couldn't help but follow the shadows behind me, I thought, 'I should attach my new magnifying lens to the camera and see what I can capture of God's beauty."

I know I've taken a photo like this one, but it was just too amazing to not shoot it again!

Tiny spiders make tiny webs...

Shadows draw our eyes to details unnoticed...

...and beauty fades.

Still doing its job of guarding the Garden...

A bit nervous to get too close...THEY'RE RED!

May your weekend be filled with beauty.


Anonymous said...

I see you have not lost your touch with photography. Simply breath-taking!

Unknown said...

Thank you, Sheri!


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