June 5, 2009

Threads of my life...

Spools all lined up,
full of color and waiting.
Calling my name and
yearning to sing.
It's that lullaby of weaving together
a future gift;
a little dress,
an apron, a card.
Something today,
next week.
Always calling my name.
and each one has their own name...
a colorful name.
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I see pins, needle, thread just laying there, too.
They sing a different song.
Their song holds my attention,
for if I ignore their presence,
I experience painful pricks-hindered work...
and frustration.
At times,
Reminds me of the children I've been entrusted with!
It is a beautiful song when I listen.
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What beauty!
My toys.
Dropping and
Rolling around the floor,
sometimes mingling together to form a knotted mess.
The container only appears to bring order.
Each little wheel is determined to be connected to something.
A spool,
Kinda like life.
I can compartmentalize it,
but it somehow always gets mixed up with...
other lives.
A beautiful tapestry.
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I read,
and read,
and learn new ways to blend the colors,
fabrics, and threads.
and on and on.
All with a purpose.
All with a plan.
To be useful.
Like my life.
Being useful,
and fulfilled.
pursuing His tapestry
for His purposes.
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How sewing speaks to me!

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