September 9, 2008

Hodge-Podge of thoughts...

Been trying to think of what to write about...hmmm.

OH, here's a cool thing.

Jessie sent me this new 'follower' gadget that Blogger is offering...looks cool to see people that 'follow you around' so to say! Think I'll try it.

We will be getting some weather from 'Ike' here.

It will be 'autumn' soon, and all the stores are carrying fall merchandise that's a joke here...the leaves don't turn here, at least not until November!

But I do know there is a place called, "The Lost Maples" that actually does have a change of 'betcha' we're gonna head there...I so miss the Allegheny mountains in NY.

Yesterday morning, only wish I'd been more awake, because when I spied my bird bath, there was a pair of orange-like birds as well as a lime green sparrow sized single bird that kept swooping down to try and fly through the fountain. Not sure what either kind were, but they were beautiful on their way south.

The winds are a blowin'~they're forecasting winds from 40-60 miles an hour, with potential higher gusts than that! We have to put all our outdoor furniture in the garage until Sunday probably. I'll miss the birdbath, but I suppose there won't be any need for it!

I'm thankful to announce that our schedule for 'seat work' is developing character in all of us! I'm actually finding time to do stuff, but because I've been so off schedule over the summer, that I need to regroup and plan for activities and outings, as well as time to read and do projects, or perhaps lead a Bible study...something I've longed to do for a while!

I've hesitated to write here for so long because I see that I sometimes have to go back and 'eat' my words and rather than do that, I have waited...and waited...and waited...

This morning...we gather in the living room each morning to worship Jesus together, and then have a short time of reading the Word, a cool devotional book that was given to the boys for their birthday and then we pray...this morning as we sang along with Chris Tomlin, my flesh wanted to push the boys and 'make' them sing and give their whole heart to Him, but my spirit was checked and I heard, 'you follow Me; you set the pace; they're watching to see if it's real for you and they'll join you'...and they did...they danced with me, hugged me and snuggled close as we sat together...I see that I must receive what I need first, then I have something to give calling as their mommy is to lead them to Jesus, not drag or scold or shove them. Ah, the joy that I felt as I submitted my heart to His leading. There was peace here was a strength that I've missed lately because of my striving for my own agenda, will and perception of how things 'should' be...His yoke is easy, His burden really is light as long as I sit at His feet and worship Him. How I've missed it.

Jesus keeps showing me that He can be trusted.

He loves me deeply, wholly, and completely. He's called me by my name, spelled it D-A-U-N-E and is so passionately in love with me that He will not share me with anything.

He faithfully works (and is so gentle and kind, too) to correct me and show me my heart so He can heal me! Even when it's the ugliest, He still wants me. There is no way I could ever repay Him.

May I extend that same love to others.

1 comment:

L.L. Barkat said...

I love the black and white photo of the wet road. And your description of the birds. How I delight in birds.


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