May 10, 2008

~There IS Freedom in Dancing~

Last nite I danced as a 'diversion' :) for a sister at church who was sharing her testimony. She asked if I would help her out by diverting every one's attention off her as she sang a song!
At first I thought it was rather humorous to be her 'diversion', but then when I got side-swiped by the enemy shortly afterwards, that's when I realized 'this is warfare and I've just infuriated the devil'! Ha!!! That's freedom...
We overcome our enemy by the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony. My testimony is that Jesus has freed me from the fear of man and I will continue to express that through this vessel of mine.
Well, I didn't win the contest, but I am grateful for all the wonderful comments I received and the encouragement. It makes me want to continue to develop this passion of writing...Thanks so much~
I am still believing that somehow Cleto and Lynette will be able to get away for a much needed rest!
For all you mothers out there, have a great day being celebrated and pampered. If, perhaps, you don't celebrate this American holiday or you are feeling a little under appreciated, let me encourage you! You are affecting HISTORY by what you do daily with those gifts from your Heavenly Daddy! He sees all your efforts to raise eternal beings for His glory. Nothing is hidden from His sight...and remember, too, that your worth isn't based on your performance...if you screwed up yesterday, this is a new day...His mercies are new every morning and His love for you isn't dependent on what YOU do, but on what Jesus did for You.
So, relish in His love and approval....Now, that should be enough for you to get up off your behind and spin around holding your Daddy's hand.
The dance of Eternity.


amy said...


Got your comment. Not related to that but if you have some time listen to the sermon I linked too on my last post. It's really good. I just finished listening to it myself.

To answer your question. I am actually leaving tomorrow to go hang out with Ashley for a week, in Spain!

It's like my college graduation present to myself! Yeah since she has moved to the city she hasn't had Internet in her place so we haven't talked as much as usual. I'll give her a hug for you :)

Have a good rest of the week. Stay steady in God's grace.

In Christ,

Caroline said...

Hope you had a great Mother's Day. No it isn't Mother's Day over here in the UK. We celebrated ours in March sometime. Our Father's Day is on June 15th.

Have a great week



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