April 2, 2011

The Week in Pictures...

This is a Pomegranate bush/tree beginning to bloom in my backyard...

after a few days of sun, they came alive!

'Chick Magnet'

 Mom's 'love offering' carefully placed on the counter each nite as she heads off to bed.

 Over a dozen in bloom now.

The tree next door supplying us with Pecan wood for our fireplace this coming winter!

Last summer gourds made into birdhouses. 
 My granddaughters are each going to paint one for my Garden of Eden. 

After three years of having a 'raw' piece of furniture in the house, Love sanded and stained it...

Nesting going on all around...

Been a busy week and it's not over yet!  Only two days to get everything ready for our daughter and son-in-law to get here with my granddaughters!  The excitement is building!  I'm sure they're really looking forward to  temps in the 80's and 90's, compared to 20's and possibly 40's!

April is here and I anticipate many blessings.
Enjoy your weekend.

1 comment:

mom2six said...

Your pictures are always so vivid and lovely!


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